“Your ability to tell stories is only as good as your life experience, so I’ve always tried to live life to its fullest.”
Please briefly introduce yourself.
My name is Anna, and I live in Greenpoint, Brooklyn. I’m an editorial director who enjoys crafting narratives for brands. I worked at Barneys New York alongside founder Erica Choi for five very fun years, and now I’m at Theory. I get a lot of energy from collaboration, building teams, and creating things - whether it’s a photoshoot or a line of copy.
At the end of 2020, I became a mama to baby Aurora.
What is a typical day for you like?
The pandemic and becoming a mother coincided for me and have drastically altered my idea of a typical day! Before, I was commuting to the city for work and filling my evenings with dinners, workout classes, and hobbies. Now, my schedule is far less packed, yet I have way less “free” time. I must say, I enjoy the slower pace of life, as I spent many, many years getting the most out of a New York day. Now, I’m up early (way earlier than I’d like to be, thanks to Aurora) and have a few hours of family time before my workday even begins. I stop working by 5pm every day to spend time with my daughter and do dinner and bedtime. I get the rest of my work done on the couch after dinner and make sure to squeeze in a little me time before bed.

"The balance between work, home life, and socializing has looked different at various stages of my life, but I’m always striving for harmony, whatever that means at a given time."
How has your background and experience shaped the person you are today?
I’ve always been a storyteller at heart, and that quality has definitely been the common thread on my career path. But your ability to tell stories is only as good as your life experience, so I’ve always tried to live life to its fullest. I’ve made travel a priority and have lived overseas a few times (including five years in Australia in my twenties). You don’t even have to go far to travel and see and experience new things, and lately, I’ve explored a little closer to home.
Does balance play a role in your life?
Balance is everything. Pre-pandemic and motherhood, I used to do so much that I needed to force myself to slow down. Now, it works the other way! I’ll sometimes realize that I’ve been stuck in the loop of work and baby, and I make sure to organize a dinner with my girlfriends or plan a weekend away to shake things up. I get so much energy from my friends and travel, which helps balance me out when things have started to feel too repetitive. The balance between work, home life, and socializing has looked different at various stages of my life, but I’m always striving for harmony, whatever that means at a given time.
What are some tips on maintaining balance and taking care of your well-being?
Since becoming a mother, it’s been really important to me not to lose the rituals and habits that I need to feel my best. Since I don’t have as much time to devote to myself, it’s all about knowing what is essential for my well-being and not compromising on those things. Three nutritious meals a day, lots of water, daily skincare routine, evening glass of wine, seeing friends once a week (even if just coffee or a hang in the park), monthly pedicures, weekends away. These sound so obvious, but if they don’t get prioritized, they don’t necessarily happen.

What does beauty mean to you?
Beauty, to me, is the perfect balance of feeling yourself and feeling totally relaxed. When you’re relaxed and let go of trying hard and worrying about what people think, quiet confidence washes over, and it is beautiful.
How has your perception of beauty evolved over the years?
In my twenties, the idea of being sexy, cool, and fashionable felt so important, but I rarely thought about beauty. Now, I rarely think of those things and feel way more beautiful than I ever did back then.
I’ve been pleasantly surprised by how powerful, and feminine pregnancy and motherhood have made me feel. I was scared I’d lose myself becoming a mom, but instead, I’m filled with purpose and pride.
Also, for the longest time, I’ve felt my most beautiful after a day at the beach when I’m warm from the sun with salty skin and hair when I haven’t looked in a mirror or at my phone all day.
Are there any beauty tips from your culture that you can share?
My mom grew up in Paris, and though she isn’t French, she certainly embodies some of the French woman ideals. She’s aging gracefully and has the chicest nonchalance when it comes to her naturally grey hair, the way she wears lipstick as her only makeup, or the way she ties a neck scarf. She gets it from the French, and I hope to get it from her.
What are your beauty and wellness rituals?
For as long as I can remember, I’ve washed my face every morning and evening with a gentle cleanser and thoroughly moisturized my face. The products don’t have to be fancy (although I love when they are), but the ritual has to happen. I also love a face mask a few times a week. So one of the reasons I love Superegg is because it truly offers the best versions of my essential skincare routine.
What is the best beauty advice you’ve ever received?
Wear sunscreen on your face every day!

What Superegg product does your skin love the most?
Definitely the Sound Renewal Moisturizer. It’s light, and silky smooth yet feels substantial and effective. I love that it can layer easily with other products like a tinted moisturizer or be worn on its own.
What are you reading or listening to that has made a lasting impression on you lately?
I recently listened to the audio version of Trevor Noah’s book, and it was fascinating and highly entertaining.
What are conscious decisions we can make to help the environment and our planet?
Less, less, less. We don’t need so many things. Think hard about what you spend your money on - is it something that you really need?
What is your personal or professional mission?
I want to make a positive impact on my community in my personal and professional life.
What does being a Good Egg mean to you?
It means being well-intentioned in all that you do.
Make a wish for your future self.
I wish my future self to be well-rested! I haven’t had eight hours of uninterrupted sleep in nine months (my baby is nine months old) and my future self is very much looking forward to it.
Follow Anna's journey at @anna_deutsch.